
2nd Local Steering Committee Meeting

2nd Local Steering Committee Meeting

The 2nd Local Steering Committee (LSC) meeting of the EU4ETTR project was held online via Zoom on June 15, 2022. The event was moderated by Ms. Zeynep Tuğçe Çiftçibaşı Güç, with opening speeches delivered by Ms. Rasa Suraučienė (CPMA), Mr. Abdulkadir Bektaş (Vice President of Climate Change Presidency, Ministry of Environment, Urbanization, and Climate Change of the Republic of Turkey), and Mr. Ričardas Degutis (Ambassador of Lithuania to Turkey). The meeting provided a comprehensive overview of key achievements of the project up to June 2022, including the establishment of close cooperation with Turkish municipal unions, signing MoUs with Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (İBB) and Bağcılar Municipality, and the initiation of small-scale project implementations.

The meeting highlighted the current status of SECAPs (Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans) development and capacity-building efforts. Discussions also focused on the development of a multi-level governance platform to enhance cooperation in climate action at both municipal and national levels. Updates on SECAP preparations for Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality and Bağcılar Municipality were presented, and discussions led by Mr. Mike Mannaart on the platform's role in supporting climate policies were notable. The meeting concluded with plans for future activities, including SECAP training, a fundraising workshop, and participation in COP27.