
WG-2: International Cooperation, Partnership Development and Finance

MLGP4Climate Working Group 2 meeting explores innovative financing for climate action plans

On October 31, 2024, Working Group 2 of the Türkiye Multi-Level Governance Platform for Climate Actions (MLGP4Climate) convened online, bringing together more than 124 representatives from municipalities, government agencies, and experts to discuss financial models supporting Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAPs).

Mr. Engin Bostancı, Head of Foreign Investment Coordination Department of Turkish Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources featured insightful presentation on YEVDES Project, which focuses on enhancing municipal capacity for renewable energy. Mr. Gvidas Dargužas, Director of APVA- Lithuanian Environmental Projet-ct Management Agency- shared best practices in financing, such as Lithuania's successful Development Finance Institution (DFI) models.

The interactive session concluded with a productive discussion on applying innovative financing tools and developing collaborative energy initiatives across Türkiye.



Working Group-2 meeting was successfully held with 100 participants brainstorming on innovative ideas.

Several topics were discussed and valuable presentations were made: 

  • Ms. Daiva Matonie, Project Team Leader of EU4ETTR in Türkiye, made a presentation on Finance Programs and Funds for SECAPs Implementation. 

  • Mr. Lütfi Akça, President of the Turkish Water Institute, shared his insights on Türkiye Case Study: Flooding &Heavy Precipitation & Droughts & Water.

  • Ms. Krista Kampus, the Head of the EU and International Relations Department at the City of Tallinn's Strategic Management Office inspired the participants by demonstrating the concrete environmental benefits of Tallinn Municipality's practices. 

  • An interactive brainstorming session using MIROin threebreak-out rooms where participants shared their valuable ideas