
Antalya Metropolitan Municipality

Antalya Metropolitan Municipality is committed to sustainable development and environmental stewardship in the Mediterranean region of Turkey. As a key player in local governance, it focuses on initiatives to mitigate climate change impacts and enhance environmental sustainability. The municipality actively engages in projects aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, promoting renewable energy adoption, and implementing climate adaptation strategies. Efforts include urban greenery expansion, waste management improvements, and educational campaigns to raise public awareness on environmental issues. Through strategic partnerships and local initiatives, Antalya Metropolitan Municipality strives to create a resilient and eco-friendly urban environment for its residents and visitors alike.

Antalya Province is a tourism center in the south of Turkey, with its center on the Mediterranean Coast. The surface area of Antalya Province is 20,177 km2 and the length of the Antalya coast is 630 km in total. In Antalya, which has a Mediterranean climate, winters are mild and rainy, and summers are hot and dry. The highest annual temperature recorded in the 1930-2020 period of the province is 45°C, and the annual average precipitation is 1061.7 m. (Is it possible that mm should be used as the unit of precipitation amount? If not, it will be mm instead of 1061.7 m.)

Within the scope of the Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP), the greenhouse gas emissions of Antalya province in 2019 are 8.232.9919 tCO2e excluding industry, energy consumption is 21.493.229 MWh and per capita emissions are 3.28 tCO2e. In 2019, greenhouse gas emission per capita, including Antalya industry, is 4.25 tons of CO2e, and the average of Turkey is 6.1 tons of CO2e.

By the end of 2030, a 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in Antalya is targeted.

The Antalya Sustainable Energy Action Plan, prepared in 2021, creates a roadmap for reducing emissions from energy consumption in different sectors determined with the participation of urban stakeholders.

As a result of the work done to reduce the effects of climate change in Antalya, it aims to reduce the current and future greenhouse gas effects in order to mitigate the effects of climate change with the greenhouse gas reduction approach. It has been concluded that with the reduction measures put forward in the sectors, a 40% reduction can be achieved in Antalya's per capita emissions by 2030 compared to 2019. Each action has been aligned with the Antalya Metropolitan Municipality Strategic Plan, which includes the municipality's defined targets for the years 2020-2024.

With the increase in global warming, the effects of climate change have become more noticeable with each passing day. With the increase in the severity and frequency of extreme weather events, climate change causes devastating effects on people and their habitats.

It is now a scientific fact that this situation is caused by emissions from human activities. Even if emissions are reduced in order to combat climate change and reduce its effects, the effects of climate change created by previous emissions will continue. In this context, there is a need for adaptation actions as well as mitigation measures in order to be less affected by climate change and to reduce its effects. Adaptation refers to adjustments in ecological, social or economic systems in response to actual or anticipated climate change and its effects. It also covers changes to be made to mitigate potential harms and take advantage of the opportunities that may arise with climate change. Therefore, on the one hand, the climate change process should be slowed down with mitigation actions, and on the other hand, measures should be taken against the inevitable consequences of climate change by addressing pre-disaster and post-disaster vulnerabilities with adaptation actions. In this area, the climate adaptation plans that cities need to make are a roadmap for environmental, social and economic resistance to climate change. 

Through the climate adaptation plan prepared to combat climate change, targets have been adopted to reduce the effects of weather events that occur due to changing climatic conditions and are predicted to occur in the future. It has been pointed out that these goals can be achieved by implementing actions such as protecting floodplains, adopting green infrastructure strategies, and adapting infrastructures.

Elimination of climate change risks or reducing their effects will only be possible with a comprehensive implementation process for Antalya.

Antalya climate adaptation plan aims to alleviate the perceived effects of climate change and increase the quality of urban life. The plan focuses on issues such as the management of high and abruptly changing temperatures, water resources management, reducing flooding and soil erosion, and reducing the impact of frequent extreme weather events. In the fight against climate change in Antalya, it is important to create a sustainable and durable city structure against long-term and sudden effects.

As Antalya Metropolitan Municipality, it is aimed to both meet our own needs and contribute to the economy with grass seedlings that are resistant to arid and dry conditions, which we grow in our production facility. Zoysia and St Augustine grass seedlings, which are an exemplary project and resistant to dry and dry conditions, are produced and transferred to the fields.

•  60% water saving.

•  No need fertilizing and spraying.

•  It reduces maintenance labor by 50%.

•  Due to the taste, insects and worms do not harm this grass. No use of chemicals. No known disease.

•  It is a type of grass that can be keept green for 10-11 months in Antalya.

For our target of 750 thousand drought-resistant grass seedlings in 2022, our rootstock seedlings are planted in our facility with our own personnel and facilities.

Xeriscaping Applications

The amount and rates of savings to be obtained in the maintenance of a total area of 2,458,833.54 m2 in 5 Central Districts with xerophytic landscaping applications have been calculated.

It is aimed to reduce the water and electricity consumed in the irrigation of green areas under our responsibility by 50%, and the annual maintenance labor, fertilizer and pesticide costs by 30%. For this purpose, studies on dissemination of xeriscape practices have been started, step by step.

Carbon Sink Studies

Projects and studies carried out within the scope of afforestation studies of our municipality:

•  Golden Orange Memorial Forest (32,500 decares).

•  Protocol with Turkish Education Association (12,000 sapling donation).

•  A Sapling for Every Child Project.

•  Protocol with the International Confederation of Food and Agriculture (1 million sapling donation).

•  Ankara Metropolitan Municipality (13 thousand tree donation).


Eco-Friendly Transportation

Rapid urbanization, intense population growth, climate change, air pollution and energy shortages have made human and environment-oriented sustainable transportation practices mandatory for our future generations. With our understanding of "Human-Oriented Transportation", we are working with sensitivity to carry our Antalya to the next years and to offer sustainable and environmentally friendly transportation services.

We are increasing our environmentally friendly practices within the scope of the Transportation Master Plan and sustainable transportation, which guides the medium and long-term transportation needs, investment and project studies of our province. Our environmentally friendly practices;

•  Integration of Transport Modes.

•  Dissemination of Rail System Network.

•  Use of Public Transportation Vehicles with High Energy Efficiency and Not Harmful to the Environment.

•  Bicycle Applications.

•  Smart Intersection Systems.

Integration of Transport Modes

Feeding Line Arrangements (B35, B45, B46, B46A) were made by canceling the bus lines with low passenger density and alternatives on the route parallel to the 2nd Stage Rail System Line, with a holistic planning approach that will ensure the integrated operation of public transportation types.

With the arrangements,

•  The number of public transport vehicles with tires has been reduced,

•  Saved on the basis of km,

•  Integration with the rail system is provided.

Eco-Friendly Electric Bus

We are developing the public transportation system with innovative and environmentally friendly approaches. We aim to transform motor buses into electric buses for the future of Antalya, to increase clean air quality and to reduce emissions from transportation. 

It is planned to use buses that are 100% electric, zero emission, comfortable, domestically produced, silent, suitable for the disabled, in urban public transportation services. 2 electric buses purchased within the scope of the Horizon 2020 MAtchUp project have been included in the public transport fleet.

Bicycle Applications

We attach great importance to the bicycle as a sustainable and environmentally friendly means of transportation, and we continue to work to expand the bicycle path network in the city, to ensure the integration of bicycles with other public transportation vehicles, in order to promote the use of bicycles.

Bicycle - Public Transport Integration

In order to popularize bicycle transportation and to ensure integration with other public transportation vehicles, the “Integration of Bicycle Transportation to Public Transportation” Project was implemented. Bicycle transport apparatuses were installed on 25 buses used in urban transportation in Antalya.

By integrating with Antalya Card, the citizens are able to follow public transportation vehicles with bicycle carrying apparatus through the system.

With this project, which will spread the use of bicycles, ABB entered the top 10 in the "Bicycle Transportation Idea and Project Implementation Competition for Municipalities" organized by the Union of Municipalities of Turkey due to the European Mobility Week, and won 250 thousand TL grant and 8 bicycle awards.

Solar Energy and Electrical Energy Support Applications for Farmers in Agricultural Irrigation

Establishment of solar power plants,

Protecting the environment with the use of clean energy sources,

Providing farmers with solar energy and electrical energy support in agricultural irrigation,

Economic support of farmers' production and The country's economy was supported.

In order to reduce farmer input costs, we meet 70% of the energy needs of 46 irrigation cooperatives with the energy we produce at the municipality's 4.86 MW SPP facility. In the last 3 years, the energy cost of 42,141,915.77 TL for 10 thousand households has been covered by the municipality.

Project preparations continue for a 3 MW SPP plant and a pumping system with individual SPP.

Agricultural Practices Compatible with Climate Change

Ensuring the use and continuity of water is of great importance in the fight against climate change. 73% of Turkey's fresh water consumption occurs in agriculture, 11% in industry, and 16% in domestic use. Efforts are underway to ensure efficient use of water and sustainability.

Smart Agriculture Applications

To prevent misuse of pesticides, fertilizers and water, as well as to encourage the adoption of digital agricultural technologies by producers and to obtain healthy and quality products, firstly a digital tracking system was put into practice in which members of Elmalı-Çukurelma Irrigation, Kumluca Agricultural Development Cooperative, Kaş District and Mavikent-Yenicepınar Irrigation Cooperative were included.

It is aimed to produce more with less input by using the resources correctly and effectively. Within the scope of the project, both the producer and our technical teams can monitor the production area through the mobile application installed on the producer's mobile phone using the greenhouse apparatus, and immediately intervene in heat, humidity, fertilization, early and late frosts.

With the Smart Agriculture Application:

•  The data inside the greenhouse will be monitored instantly.

•  Soil, heat, humidity, electrical production data will be reported on a daily, weekly, monthly, seasonal and annual basis and can be archived by examining them in graphics and Excel.

•  Alert can be received with the alarm system. Manufacturers will be able to receive notifications via SMS and e-mail.

We are in tomorrow:


We Are Tomorrow Documents: 



We Promised Our Nature Book: Biz Doğamıza Söz Verdik_Antalya BB.pdf

Institutional Arrangements, Local Policies and Actions In Our Efforts For Environmental Protection And Combating Climate Change: Institutional Arrangements, Local Policies and Actions In Our Efforts For Environmental Protection And Combating Climate Change_Antalya MM.pdf

Cooperation Areas

  • Exchange ideas on challenges and solutions
  • Explore financing opportunities
  • International common project developments
  • Capacity building on SECAP preparation

Climate Actions Context Areas

  • Climate Network & Collaboration