
MLGP Structure


MLGP4Türkiye has a supportive structure with Advisory Comittee, Steering Comittee and Working Group Bodies.
Also, Secretariat as the knowledge hub, serves as an interconnection point.



A. Steering Committee:

The Steering Committee (SC) guides the process direction, proposing actions for the stakeholder group's approval. Proposals are prepared by the secretariat, approved by the SC, and adopted by the stakeholders' group. A widely supported chair leads both SC and stakeholders' group meetings. SC representatives come from various stakeholder groups, serving as the policy engine with the secretariat driving implementation.


B. Advisory Committee:

The Advisory Committee (AC) for the MLGP plan serves as a consultative body to the Steering Committee (SC), offering insights and recommendations on policy processes, climate change issues, and stakeholder concerns without impeding SC's decision-making. Comprised of individuals with extensive networks, political influence, and expertise in climate change, the AC includes representatives from various entities such as the Union of Municipalities of Türkiye, the EU4ETTR Project team, academia, former test municipalities, and experts on climate change or energy efficiency.

The AC's primary functions include advising the SC on platform strategy, stakeholder roles, working plans, as well as providing recommendations on prepared SECAPs (Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans) and project proposals.


C. Working Groups:

  • Two WGs are formed under the Steering Committee: Challenges and Solutions (C&S-WG), International Cooperation (IC-WG), and Project Development, Funding, Implementation, and Cooperation (PDFIC-WG).
  • Each WG comprises 6-7 members from SC member institutions, including representatives from testing municipalities and other platform bodies.
  • A group leader, chosen from the Secretariat, Steering Committee, or non-member experts, leads each WG in collaboration with the Secretariat and Steering Committee.

Roles of the Working Groups:

  • C&S-WG addresses challenges in implementing climate policies, coordinates methodologies, and provides input for capacity building and strategic discussions.
  • IC-WG explores international cooperation opportunities and strategies, fostering links between local, national, and international levels.
  • PDFIC-WG focuses on implementing policies outlined in SECAPs, developing pilot projects, identifying funding, and collaborating with stakeholders to achieve MLGP objectives.
  1. Working Group – 1:

    The Challenges & Solutions Working Group (C&S-WG) within the Multi-Level Governance Platform (MLGP) in Türkiye focuses on identifying and addressing obstacles in implementing climate policies and developing solutions tailored to the needs of Turkish municipalities. The group comprises representatives from 8 testing municipalities and other platform members, aiming to support the preparation, implementation, and evaluation of Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAPs).

    Targets and Actions:

    -    Develop SECAPs tailored to municipal needs by:
    -    Assessing climate challenges and vulnerabilities.
    -    Conducting workshops and training sessions for capacity building.
    -    Collaborating with international partners to leverage expertise.

    Implement SECAPs effectively by:

    -    Providing technical assistance and capacity building.
    -    Monitoring progress and evaluating measures.
    -    Facilitating knowledge exchange among municipalities.

    The C&S-WG's activities and outcomes are monitored regularly, with meetings held every two months. Key performance indicators include the number of assessments conducted, the percentage increase in municipalities' understanding of climate risks, workshops/trainings conducted, collaborations with international organizations, technical assistance provided, SECAP subprojects implemented, SECAP progress tracked, and resources uploaded on the IT portal.

    Expected Outcomes: The C&S-WG is expected to prepare a comprehensive report at the end of the year, including analysis and recommendations for improvements. The report will be presented at the Steering Committee (SC) level and supported by data collection and technical content preparation by EU4ETTR project experts.
  2. Working Group - 2:

    The Project Development, Funding, Implementation, and Cooperation Working Group (PDFIC-WG) within the Multi-Level Governance Platform (MLGP) in Türkiye focuses on practical aspects of implementing policies outlined in the SECAPs. Their annual work plan includes:

    Targets & Actions:

    -    Develop and implement two pilot projects based on SECAP policies.
    -    Identify and secure funding from two potential sources to support SECAP implementation.
    -    Write a report addressing the process of pilot project development, applying for funds, and challenges/opportunities in finding funding.

    Monitoring of Progress:

    •    The PDFIC-WG will meet every two months to discuss ongoing actions, progress on the report, establishment of partnerships, and organization of conferences/workshops. MMU chairs and EU4ETTR experts co-chair these meetings to provide technical support and monitor progress.

    Expected Outcomes:

    •    The PDFIC-WG will prepare a report at year-end analyzing two topics and providing recommendations for future collaboration. The report will be in a format suitable for ministerial presentation, supported by data collection, technical content preparation, and analysis by EU4ETTR project experts.

D. Secretariat:

The Secretariat is the driving force behind the coordination and implementation of a multi-level governance platform. It facilitates and advises the Steering Committee while taking charge of implementing actions. The Secretariat ensures strong communication with all organizational elemnts and stakeholders. Led by a Coordinator, initially from the Union of Municipalities (UMT), it consists of representatives from implementing entities, such as the MMU and the EU4ETTR project team.